Finally, a Beginner Arabic Course That Respects the Intelligence of Its Students by Explaining the Deep Structure of the Language...
“25 Year Old Legally-Blind Engineering Student and Arabic Pro Slices Your Learning Curve in Half and Reveals Tons of Shortcuts to Kick-Start Your Classical Arabic Learning Today!”
Introducing the ALL-NEW Shariah Program ARB 101 Arabic Course for Beginners!
Dear seeker of knowledge,
Yusuf Mullan here. If you are a beginner reading this right now, chances are you already feel a strong urge to learn the Arabic language. For many, it has to do with religious reasons. You feel a strong itch in your heart that irritates you when you can’t understand your prayers. You long for the day when you, too, will speak Arabic and listen to scholars and understand them at their level.
For others, it has to do with community reasons. You have friends or family whom you feel closed off to because you can’t speak in their language, on their terms. And you feel defeated because you just don’t have the language.
Well, don’t worry; it turns out that in most cases where students don’t see any results, it is not their fault. Instead, the problem is most instructors teaching at the beginner level don't take advantage of productivity rules, so a lot of time is wasted.
There's no effort to utilize advanced learning patterns, so many students don’t see the eye-popping results they hope for.
The root of the problem though is the strong urge many programs feel in quickly developing conversational skills. As a result, they don’t hone in on pedagogical techniques and do not respect the intelligence of the student by explaining the deep structure of the language, so even this basic area of the language seems hard to learn when it really isn’t.
ARB 101 - 6 Months to Create an Arabic Course for Beginners
That’s why I had my long term student (and great teacher in his own right), Ustadh Mohtanick Jamil, spend 6 grueling months creating the ARB 101 Arabic Course for Beginners.
Ustadh Mohtanick started studying with me when he was just 16. I’m really proud of everything he’s accomplished, teaching hundreds and soon thousands of students. And he’s done all this while facing more challenges than most, as Ustadh Mohtanick is actually legally blind. He uses a software called “Zoom”. (He can’t function without it).
Anyway – in creating this comprehensive Arabic course for beginners, he’s left no stone unturned and no angle uncovered.
As a side note, this is the same Mohtanick who wrote ALL of the original tutorials at the Learn Arabic Online website in less than a month. Visit the site and just spend 5 minutes browsing around. It would take a TEAM of people many many months to produce what this brother did in such a short period of time. Masha Allah, he is incredibly advanced and somewhat of a genius.
So after producing the 22 lesson free alphabet tutorial you can access here, he dedicated himself for 6 months to design, structure and record the ARB 101 Arabic Course for Beginners.
To get an idea of how great this effort is, one of our students, Dr. John Stewart, who's a PhD in linguistics said it's the best language instruction he has EVER encountered (he means not just Arabic, but language instruction overall). In his own words:
I would like to say this: this is by a stretch the best language instruction I have ever encountered. I have a PhD in linguistics and I work in education, so I’m quite interested in pedagogical methods. Unfortunately, too many programs try to hide the structural properties of languages under a supposed impulse towards building conversational skills. A particularly acute — and conceptually void — approach tries to pretend that learning a non-native language is just like learning one’s mother tongue as an infant: all pointing. Such nonsense! This course respects the intelligence of its students by explaining the deep structure of the language and its orthography, leading to true understanding.
While I suspect this course will not teach me how to order a coffee in Doha, I trust it will teach me to read the great Muslim authors of the middle ages.
More Reviews
Hundreds of students have studied and gone through the course, including people who had memorized the Quran and lead taraweeh prayers multiple years. One of my teaching assistants who helped with transcribing the lessons can actually read Arabic without vowels!
She is very advanced. Yet, she too reported back that she not only enjoyed the course but benefited from it herself.
This says a lot about these students (the hafiz and my assistant) that they're "practitioners of the slight edge", always looking to improve, but it also speaks to the value of this Arabic course for beginners.
Here are a few of those reviews to help you decide:
I just wanted to … show my full appreciation and thanks to you for providing us with such a wonderful and beneficial Arabic course. I just completed … all the modules and exercises yesterday evening and have already learned so much from the course. Whilst I would originally say that the course was expensive to purchase, I can now easily say it was definitely worth the money!
I particularly enjoyed the last lesson on stress patterns. I completed my hifz studies in 1999 and have led taraweeh prayers on numerous occasions and read the Quran on a daily basis but it is just now from your course, the first time I’ve been introduced to this concept and Alhamdulillah I enjoyed and benefited from it very much.
I know your advice to the advanced students was to complete the course in 3 weeks but I was too eager to learn more and more :). Also, your voice in the recordings was very easy to understand and follow (something which in other online Arabic courses I have undertaken could not hear the instructor very well)….
Thank you once again for all your efforts and hard work! I was unable to find a course like yours anywhere else in the world!
- Hafiz Irfan (by email)
I’m going through the foundation course having already been through another alphabet course which at the time I thought was great. This blows it out of the water. I think Ustadh does an amazing job, I like that it’s not so clinical. A real-world guy with real explanations. I wanted to go through the course so that I’d be ready when lesson 1 begins and I’m so glad I did. I feel blessed to have landed on the Shariah Program.
Assalaa mu alakum.
I must admit I skipped this foundation course thinking I can read Quran therefore I don’t need it. Low and behold, I discovered that what I have learnt over the years without the above explanations, had given me now a better perspective and a better appreciation of what my Teachers have taught me but without the above-named explanations.
I just had to memorize and identify form and shape and stresses without explanations.
Alhamdulillah now I know better. DON'T TAKE SHORT CUTS with these lessons. Shukran to all the wonderful teachers we have with this programme. May Allah guide you and protect and make it easy for me also to understand and learn Arabic language InshaAllah Ameen.
- Abduraghman Ederies
How to Take Advantage of the Course
If you feel that, as a beginner, you’d like to learn some high-ticket education. Or, as an advanced student, you feel you should revisit these foundations and get that slight edge you’ve been looking for…

… then we’d like to invite you to review our pricing below and click the “Add to Cart” button to get started immediately.

Wait a Second, There's More...
With the ARB 101 Arabic Course for Beginners, you're getting an incredible amount of concepts presented in a manageable way. But the primary purpose of this course is to put the beginner student at the head of the game, way past even the best students.
That’s the reason Ustaz Mohtanick designed this course, that’s our mantra.
So, in order to further this cause, I’ve included an 8-lesson bonus valued at $197 USD that goes beyond the foundations and gets into the grammar, the morphology and other exciting areas of the language. The lessons still use Ustaz Mohtanick's unique approach, so it is super easy yet hyper-educational.
Full Guarantee
You have a FULL NINETY DAYS (which incidentally is the recommended time it takes to complete this course). If at any time within these 3 months, you feel…
… then all you have to do is send us a single email, and we will refund every penny you paid without hassles and without delay.
Really. What this means is that you can watch all the videos, take notes, take all the tests, put all the lessons to work for you and gain the maximum benefit from all the resources, meaning complete the entire course BEFORE you even decide to keep it.
We’re so confident that you’ll be thrilled and will want to share it with all your immediate family members (at no extra cost btw), that we’re able to offer this remarkably generous guarantee.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and follow your goal of learning Arabic through this Arabic course for beginners. We have done all we can.
It is up to you now to take that step and put in the effort required to start learning Arabic. When you click the button below, you’ll be taken to the payment options page. You can choose the full-pay option. You may also split the payment into 3 equal installments of just $97. Click the button below to begin the process now. See you on the other side… !
Q: I already know the alphabet. I studied it in childhood. Should I still sign up for this?
A: We’ve had a Hafiz of the Quran (see testimonial above) that took this course and he gave a glowing testimonial and mentions what great value he received. So though the course is designed for people with no exposure to the Arabic language, i.e. absolute beginners that may not have seen an Arabic letter before, intermediate students may also benefit. The course is very comprehensive.
If you’re still unsure, you can test it out by signing up and then cancelling out through the guarantee if you feel it wasn’t what you expected.
Q: I already know the alphabet and feel my time and money would be better spent with something more advanced. What would you recommend?
A: You’re ready to join the main 2-Year Shariah Program online Arabic classes details of which can be accessed through the footer navigation menu at the bottom of this page. In particular, the “self-paced” version of the program might be appropriate for your needs.